Green Monday Introductory Talk

Provide students with an idea of green, healthy and sustainable living and share with them how vegetarianism can benefit the environment and health. Suitable for all parents and students. Duration: 45-60 minutes
School Exhibition

The exhibition aims to illustrate through infographics how the livestock industry abuses the Earth’s resource, contributing to the climate crisis and leading to famine. It also educates students on how to plan a healthy and nutritious green meal. A worksheet comes along with the exhibition to reinforce students’ understanding. A free gift will be given to students who complete it.
School Workshop

Green Snack Workshop
Making green snacks using natural and healthy ingredients

Pressed Plant Bookmark Workshop
Designing a unique bookmark using plants as colouring agents

Eco-enzyme Workshop
Producing the most environmental-friendly detergent using fruit peels and sugar

Insect Repellent Workshop
Utilising distinctive plants’ aroma to make chemical-free repellent

Book Reading Workshop
Learning more about animal farming and its alternatives through ‘Piggy’s New Life’ Storybook Reading Workshop

Food labeling Talk & Supermarket Tour
Students can gain hands-on experience in reading food labels thorugh a guided supermarket tour at a Green Common store. Suitable for secondary school students or above. Duration: 60-70 minutes

Kwun Tong Community Green Station
Experience plastic recycling procedure accompanied with talks and workshops

Ecotour 330
Learn more about organic farming
Super Green Monday

To celebrate “Earth Day” and the anniversary of Green Monday, one of the Mondays in April is designated “Super Green Monday” each year. Schools with over 50% of vegetarian meal order rate on the day are qualified for the Green Monday School Lunch Award:
- Gold Award: Plant-based meal order rate 90% or more
- Silver Award: Plant-based meal order rate 70% or more
- Bronze Award: Plant-based meal order rate 50% or more
In 2018-2019, 239 schools received the Gold Award; 47 received the Silver Award and 34 received the Bronze Award.