2022 Earth Month 世界地球月

Green Monday
10th Anniversary 成立10週年
2022 Earth Day marks Green Monday's 10th Anniversary. Together let's continue to protect our planet and support plant-based eating for a sustainable future.
2022世界地球日,也是Green Monday成立10週年。與大家繼續共同守護地球,支持素食生活,攜手邁向一個可持續的未來。
#GreenMonday #WeCareWeDare
Support 2022 Earth Month
With climate disasters intersifying over the years, environmental protection has become a priority worldwide. This year, Green Monday is partnering with corporations, restaurants and retail brands to launch the Earth Month Campaign to promote plant-based green living.
近年氣候災難愈趨嚴重,大家更關注環境保護。今年Green Monday聯同多間企業、餐廳、零售店品牌等舉行地球月活動,推動環保素食生活。
Make An Impact Go Green Monday
每週一素食 為地球帶來改變

Green Monday ESG Coalition / Earth Month Corporate Partnership
Green Monday forms an alliance to unify businesses with concrete plant-based solutions to rebuild a more resilient future. We work with corporate partners to drive green impact in both the workplace and the community.
Green Monday集合企業的力量,透過實踐各項綠色項目,塑造真正可持續發展的零碳未來。我們聯同各個企業夥伴在辦公室和社區推動素食環保意識。
Corporate Partners
Hong Kong 香港
Mission Partner
Ecosystem Partner
Action Partner
Taiwan 台灣
Title Sponsor and Mission Partner
Supporting Partner
Action Partner
Participating Corporate
Earth Month Restaurant Partnership
Green Monday's global restaurant partners are launching themed green menus and special offers for us to enjoy healthy deliciousness.
Green Monday多個全球餐廳夥伴推出多款主題素食餐單及限定優惠,創作無限健康滋味。