Plant the Future
Green Monday and Califia Farms team up with a number of the city’s artisan coffee shops, creating a meaningful story behind your great craft coffee. Starting from next Monday (8 June), you can enjoy a plant-based milk upgrade for coffee at no extra charge or even receive a complimentary coffee for four consecutive Mondays. Every cup of coffee is a chance to “plant the future”.
每一杯咖啡背後,都隱藏著一個故事。Green Monday 及 Califia Farms 與多間著名咖啡店合作,一起賦予您手中這杯咖啡一點意義。由 6 月 8 日起,我們的咖啡店聯乘夥伴將會於連續 4 個星期一,推出「free upgrade」免收升級植物奶的費用 或「complimentary coffee」免費植物奶咖啡,希望透過以上推廣的同時,為地球環保盡一分力。每一杯咖啡都是改變未來的機會。
#PlantTheFuture #PlantForward #GreenMonday #CalifiaFarms

Steps to Join
1. Reshare the “Plant the Future” message post via Green Monday Official Instagram to your Instagram story. 轉發由 Green Monday 發佈的 “Plant The Future” 概念圖於你的 Instagram即時動態。
2. Click the “Paper plane➣” button . 點擊 「紙飛機➣」按鈕。
3. Choose “Add post to your story”. 選擇「將此內容新增至限時動態」。
4. Tag @greenmonday_official and @califiafarms, feel free to also tag your friend to join! (Remember to show your story to the cafe staff in order to receive your offer.) 標籤 @greenmonday_official 及@califiafarms 帳號,你亦可以標籤你的好友一同參與這個活動!(謹記在使用折扣時要將限時動態展示給店內職員以作確認)
5. Post Instagram story and you are all set. Enjoy your coffee!

- The giveaway is only applicable to Hong Kong residents only.
- Participants must tag @greenmonday_official & @califiafarms and enable people you mention to share your stories (so we can see your post!).
- IG newsfeed entries posted after 11:59pm HKT on May 31, 2020, will not be accepted in the giveaway.
- This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram.
- Comments with any relation to sexism, violence, agitation, foul language or any entries that Green Monday regard as inappropriate will not be accepted.
- Green Monday reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of the contest at any time without notice. In case of any dispute, Green Monday reserves all final decisions.
- 此活動只限香港居民參加。
- 參加者必須標籤@greenmonday_official 及 @califiafarms Instagram帳號,並允許被Tag帳號轉貼到其限時動態(我們才能看到!)。
- 於2020年5月31日晚上11時59分 (香港時間)後發佈的帖文將不被接納。
- 此活動絕不由Instagram贊助或管理。
- 任何與性別歧視、暴力、煽動,粗言穢語有關或任何Green Monday認為不適當的帖文將不被接納。
- Green Monday保留隨時更改活動條款和條件的權利,恕不另行通知。 如有任何爭議,Green Monday保留所有最終決定。